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简 历:

1) 2021.2-至今 北京科技大学,化学与生物工程学院,生物与农业研究院,教授

2) 2018.1-2021.1中国农业科学院生物技术研究所,研究员

3) 2013.9-2017.12,中国农业科学院生物技术研究所,副教授

4) 2012.1-2013.8,华中农业大学,植物科学技术学院,作物遗传改良国家重点实验室固定研究人员,副教授

5) 2008.4-2011.12,华中农业大学,植物科学技术学院,作物遗传改良国家重点实验室固定研究人员,讲师

6) 2003.9-2008.1,华中农业大学,发育生物学专业,获理学博士学位

7) 2000.9-2003.7,四川农业大学,生物化学与分子生物学专业,获理学硕士学位

8) 1996.9-2000.7,华中师范大学,生物教育专业,获理学学士


1. 中国生物工程学会生物农业分会,常务理事、秘书长

2. 中国食品科技学会全谷物分会,理事

3. 国家自然科学基金委函评专家(自2013年起--)

4. 《生物技术进展》编委


自研究生阶段起一直以油菜、玉米等主要农作物为对象,围绕提高产量和品质改良两个主要目标进行研究。先后在Molecular Plant, Plant Biotechnology Journal、Genetics、Theoretical and Applied Genetics、BMC plant biology等国际主流杂志上发表30余篇论文。近五年来,连续获得两项国家自然科学基金面上项目的支持,参加一项农业生物育种重大专项项目(课题主持)和两项十四五国家重点研发专项项目。共发表SCI文章32篇,其中以第一和通讯作者身份发表SCI文章17篇;参编一本中文教材和一本英文专著。


1、 获得的奖励



(3)中国科协优秀科技论文遴选计划 优秀奖(2022年)(排名第4,并列第1)

2、 获得国家发明专利



(3)特异DNA片段 com58276及其在调控植物抗逆性中的应用 (ZL201910957559.6)



1. Yanyong Cao#, Juan Ma#, Shengbo Han, Mengwei Hou, Xun Wei, Xingrui Zhang, Zhanyuan J. Xiangdong Li, Yan Long*, Xiangyuan Wan* and Canxing Duan*, Single-cell RNA sequencing profiles reveal cell type-specific transcriptional regulation networks conditioning fungal invasion in maize roots. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2023, doi: 10.1111/pbi.14097

2. Shuai Wang#, Huangai Li#, Zhenying Dong, Cheng Wanga, Xun Wei*, Yan Long* and Xiangyuan Wan*. Genetic structure and molecular mechanism underling the stalk lodging traits in maize (Zea may L.). Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 2023, 21, 485–494

3. Yan Long #, Xun Wei #, Suowei Wu, Bin Tan, Xiangyuan Wan*. Plant Molecular Farming, a Tool for Functional Food Production. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70:2108-2116

4. Quancan Hou#, Tianye Zhang#, Kangtai Sun, Tingwei Yan, Linlin Wang, Lu Lu, Wei Zhao, Yuchen Qi, Yan Long*, Xun Wei* and Xiangyuan Wan,*.Mining of Potential Gene Resources for Breeding Nutritionally Improved Maize. Plants, 2022,11,627

5. Weiyi Qian#, Yong Zhang#, Yan Long#, Wei Yang, Rui Hu, Jinping Li, Yan Leng, Xinjie Liu, Qing X. Li, Xiangyuan Wan*, Xun Wei*. Probiotic Lactobacillus brevis CLB3 prevents azoxymethane/dextran sulfate sodium-induced colon carcinogenesis in mice by reducing amino acid transport and IL-17A levels and repressing the IL-6/AKT/p-STAT3 signaling pathway, Food Quality and Safety, 2022, 6, 1–14

6. Ziwen Li#, Shuangshuang Liu#, Taotao Zhu #, Xueli An, Xun Wei, Juan Zhang, Suowei Wu, Zhenying Dong, Yan Long* and Xiangyuan Wan*. Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Loss-function of Male-sterility Gene ZmMs33/ZmGPAT6 Results in Severely Oxidative Stresses and SnRK1-mediated Metabolic Reprogramming in Maize Anthers.Cells,2022, Jul 27;11(15):2318

7. Xun Wei#, Yan long#, Chenchen Yi, Aqing Pu, Quancan Hou, Chang Liu, Yilin Jiang, Suowei Wu, Xiangyuan Wan*. Bibliometric Analysis of Functional Crops and Nutritional Quality: Identification of Gene Resources to Improve Crop Nutritional Quality through Gene Editing Technology. Nutrients, 2022, nutrients-2103933

8. Yong Zhang# , Xun Wei#, Qian Sun, Weiyi Qian, Xinjie Liu, Jinping Li, Yan Long*, and Xiangyuan Wan*. Different Types and Functional Effects of Probiotics on Human Health through Regulating Glucose Homeostasis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.2021, 69(49):14781-14791

9. Zhen Li, Hui Chi, Caiyue Liu, Tianbao Zhang, Lida Han, Liang Li, Xinwu Pei* and Yan Long*. Genome-wide identification and functional characterization of LEA genes during seed development process in linseed flax (Linum usitatissimum L.). BMC Plant Biology, 2021, 21:193

10. Taotao Zhu#, Xueli An#, Yan Long#, Xiaofeng Xue, Ke Xie, Biao Ma, Danfeng Zhang, Yijian Guan, Canfang Niu, Zhenying Dong, Quancan Hou, Lina Zhao, Suowei Wu, Jinping Li, Weiwei Jin, Xiangyuan Wan. Normal Structure and Function of Endothecium Chloroplasts Maintained by ZmMs33-mediated Lipid Biosynthesis in Tapetal Cells Are Critical for Anther Development in Maize. Molecular Plant, 2020, 13(11), https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.molp.2020.09.013

